Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie!

Last night a bunch of my friends got together for a Twilight party before we headed off to the movie. Jenn did a great job on party food and favors and Natalie made some great game prizes. So, thank you both. This is what I won.

Then we headed out to the movie in our matching shirts (Brittney and I were still able to stretch our shrits over our pregnant bellies, which was more impressive for Brittney since she's due next week) and headbands. We had a great time and I really enjoyed the movie. There were some really cheesy parts (sparkly Edward) and some overacting, but it followed the basic story line and was a lot of fun to finally see after months of anticipation. I was surprised by how funny it was. Were there any Oscar winning performances? Absolutley not, but it was entertaining and fun as long as your expectations weren't too high. I would see it again. The best part was getting out with the girls to have a fun evening, and we definately did that.

1 comment:

The Hungry Homemaker said...

I was going to ask you what you thought tomorrow at church! You feel the same way I do. And also, I believe my shirt will never be the same...