Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday Tell All - Summer Memories

This week's TTA is supposed to be about summertime memories from our childhood. I honestly think I have the worst long-term memory of anyone in history. I used to be able to remember everything up until I got pregnant with Cruz. Then it was gone...all of it. I do have a few memories that stand out like shining beacons, but mostly I find myself thinking "What did I do?" What I do remember was after I was a teenager. I remember so little from before then that I wonder if I was ever younger than that. So even though I have probably completely forgotten some very significant events (sorry if it was something big that I forgot Mom and Dad, I'm sure I enjoyed it at the time) here are the few things that stick out to me...

Swimming - living in Mesa, AZ, this filled most summer days.

Cookouts at my grandparents - barbecued chicken, potato salad, and baked beans. I loved it, but I remember by the end of summer thinking, "Can't we eat anything else?"

Floating the Salt River with my friends.

Driving through the desert at night.

My first kiss. (I can't even remember his name now.)

Summer romances. (Sigh!) Weren't summer romances the best? Of course nothing compared to you, Karl.

And that's it. Completely pathetic, I know.


Anna Lankford said...

Okay I didn't write anything about summer romances on mine...I thought maybe it would make Adam feel bad. Sigh....gotta love those summer romances.


Spar-Mar Girl said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a serious defaulted long-term memory! And I almost called my blog Summer Lovin', but Adam claimed that wouldn't be recognized from Grease. Whatever. :)

Love to hear about what you do remember!!